Bom, o tema do seminário (isso me interessou muito) é: Why are conceptual artists painting again? Because they think it's a good idea.
Ou seja: Por que os artistas conceituais se voltaram à pintura? Por que eles acham que isso (a pintura) é uma boa ideia.
Um tema interessante, e que eu acho que está sendo muito discutido. A pintura, e suas mortes anunciadas, agora retomando ao mainstream, trazida exatamente por seus "penúltimos carrascos", os conceituais... dá samba...
Outras ideias que o seminario coloca (seguem sem tradução):
What is the future of medium-specific practices after Conceptualism? What is the future of Conceptual Art after the 1990s? How have the basic conditions of art practice changed and what words and models could we use to open up the potentials at the heart of these developments in art after Conceptualism?
Ainda, outra ideias, fortes e bem articuladas, são: The dominant models no longer satisfy. It makes no sense to melodramatically invoke the "end of painting" (or any other medium-specific practice for that part) when the continous emergence of fascinating work obviously proves apocalyptic endgame scenarios wrong. Yet, to pretend it were possible to go back to business as usual seems equally impossible because the radical expansion of artistic possibilities through the landslide changes of the 1960s leave medium-specific practices in the odd position of being one among many modes of artistic articulation, with no preset justification. How can we describe then what medium-specific practices like painting or sculpture can do today? Likewise, it seems, that we can still not quite convincingly describe to ourselves what Conceptual Art can be: An art of pure ideas? As if "pure" idea art were ever possible let alone desirable! An art of smart strategic moves and puns? We have advertising agencies for that. The social and political dimension of Conceptualism has been discussed, but often only in apodictic terms, not acknowledging the humour, the wit, the existential, emotional or erotic aspects, as well as the iconophile, not just iconoclast motives, that have always also been at play in the dialectics and politics of life-long conceptual practices.

Com a internet, em uma 2a.feira de Carnaval, ao optar por ficar em casa, temos estas e outras, muitas outras, viagens ao alcance de um click do mouse...
Glenn Brown na Tate Liverpool
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